Calms seas below a moody sky


Norwegian Hull Club’s service concept is founded upon a comprehensive risk management framework and a strong capital base.

Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P) reaffirmed the 'A with stable outlook' rating of Norwegian Hull Club on 11 March 2024. S&P highlights The Club's extremely strong capital adequacy and its established position in marine hull and loss of hire as key strengths – and expects that The Club will maintain its capital adequacy above the confidence level expected of a 'AAA' rated entity.

S&P’s public rating of Norwegian Hull Club is available here.

Integrity and high ethical standards

Norwegian Hull Club conducts its business and operations with the greatest integrity and to the highest ethical standards. These elements are embraced by the entire organization. Integrity is also one of the core values of the company.

The Club has a comprehensive risk management and internal control framework to systematically identify, assess, manage and communicate risks throughout the organisation.

Clients and business partners can trust that Norwegian Hull Club conducts its business with a high level of responsibility, respect, and transparency and in accordance with the laws, legislations and standards presented in the model below:

Integrity wheel

Responsible investments

Norwegian Hull Club is - and aims to remain - a responsible investor. Active corporate governance, international conventions, and integration of sustainability topics into asset management form the basis of responsible investments.

The foundation of Norwegian Hull Club’s investment philosophy is the conviction that strong corporate governance, combined with a focus on environmental and social issues, is instrumental for long-term profitability. The best investments over time are those made in well-managed companies that, in addition to strong business performance, apply a systematic and integrated approach to sustainability to protect and grow future cashflows. Such companies will also be best able to manage risk associated with environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. Sustainability and ESG are, therefore, integral parts of the investment manager screening and selection process.

Norwegian Hull Club uses third-party asset managers for security selection, through funds and discretionary mandates. Responsible investment is a key consideration when selecting external asset managers. In general, asset managers continue to improve their abilities within the field of sustainable investments as clients and society increase expectations.

Norwegian Hull Club primarily seeks external asset managers that:

  • Are signatories to UN Principles for responsible investments (Norms-based screening)
  • Are transparent about ESG issues
  • Apply a systematic and integrated approach to sustainability factors in their investment processes (ESG integration)
  • Report on ESG
  • Seek investments with positive ESG effects that do not require financial trade-off

Solvency & Financial Condition Reports

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2023

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2022

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2021

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2020

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2019

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2018

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2017

Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2016